Dominique Renaud Insurance Agency, Inc.
Property and Casualty Insurance Agency
6161 Savoy #132
Houston, TX 77036
713-781-6326 (fax)
TX 0008719955

Our agency is licensed to quote and write insurance policies only in Texas. To find agents offering these coverage in all of the other states, please click the logo.


Business Insurance Quote
Completely fill out and submit this form to our agency to receive an accurate quote. You MUST provide at least one method of contact to receive a quote from our agency.

Our Agency has Package Policies, with a broad range of coverages for your type of business. The flexibility of these packages allows us to customize a policy for your specific needs. We are able to offer to you an appraisal and survey your Insurance exposures.
Company Information (required)
  Owner's Name:  
 Nature of Business/Description of operations:
 Legal Entity  
 Mailing Address:  
 City: / State:  /
 Zip Code:  
 E-Mail Address (required)  
Covered Property Information
 Property Address:  
 City / State:   /
 Zip Code: (Required!)  
 Do You Own or Lease the Location:  
 If Own, Type of Building and Date Purchased:(i.e. Office, Industrial, Apartment)  
 List Number and Type of Occupants in Building:
 Construction Type:  
 # of Sq Ft occupied  
 Year Built  
 # of Units to be insured  
 Percentage Building Sprinklered:  
 Type of Parking Available  
 Is there a Pool? / Fenced?   /
 Type of Security System  
 Building Improvements and Date: (if any)  
 Present Insurance Co.:  
   Coverages To Quote
 Building Amount  
 Business Contents Amount  
 Loss of Income Amount  
 Liability Amount  
 Miscellaneous Coverages and Amounts
Underwriting Information
 Renewal Date  
 Current Company  

Give a brief description of any losses in the last 5 years


This page and site has been developed and maintained by InsuranceQuote.Net
© Gordon K. Harden, Jr. 1996-99
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Page Created 2-16-00
Latest Revision